How to Organize Your Home This Fall, According to Your Zodiac Sign

fall home with decorated shelves

KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images

As the fall season quickly approaches, many of us may feel a shift in how we want to approach our living spaces. With summer ending, fall can often push us to get things in shape and want a refresh—particularly around organization. 

Our zodiac signs can provide some insight into our personalities and personal habits. For example, getting and staying organized comes easier to some signs than to others. Some may jump at the chance to manage their homes, while others put it off as long as possible. However, there are plenty of pointers and tips that can be beneficial, whether you’re an energetic Aries or an idealistic Pisces. 

Check out the signs below to see which organizational tip is for you.

Aries (March 21 to April 19): Lean into Your Bursts of Energy

Despite your chaotic reputation, you enjoy getting things in order—but it has to be your process. With your ruling planet as Mars, the planet of ambition and drive, you can most benefit from setting aside intentional days (or blocks of time) to clean and organize. Once you start a project, you can take advantage of your burst of energy and power through all the cluttered spaces. Trying to do things a little at a time isn’t your speed, and that’s okay.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): Create an Organizational Checklist

Getting things in line and organized may sound good, but following through is an entirely different story, right, Taurus? However, it doesn’t hurt to lean into your fellow Earth sign Virgo’s organizational skills, and for you, it’s best if those reminders are visual. Creating a checklist of everything that needs to be organized can make getting things accomplished easier—a dry-erase calendar or a tangible written list posted to your fridge can make a difference.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): Don't Be Afraid to Multitask

Sometimes, focusing on one task at a time may be strongly advised, especially with organizing tasks. However, you benefit from doing things a little out of the ordinary, Gemini. Your focus and interest can shift quickly, meaning you may start a project only to abandon it for something else. You can use this to your advantage by switching to a separate organization project when you are losing steam with the first—switching between two to three tasks can be the key to finishing them (just don’t switch to watching television or scrolling on Instagram—make each task a productive one)!

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): Declutter to Create Space

Decluttering may sound like cliché organizational advice, but it’s effective for a reason. Particularly with your sentimental streak, Cancer, you have a habit of holding onto things even if you can’t remember the last time it was used. Use the shift in the season to declutter and sort through what you need, what you want, and what you can let go of. It’s much easier to keep a space organized when you don’t have to store items that aren’t beneficial to you.

Leo (July 23 to August 22): Focus on Restyling Your Home

The best way to embrace and remain consistent with organization is to change your perspective, Leo. If your space is overrun and cluttered, then take some time to make a goal of how you want your area to look—from decor to layout, to theme, and the whole nine yards. Once you have that picture, break it down into smaller steps. For example, clear out any items that don't align with the vision. This will help provide you with much-needed motivation to organize your designated space. 

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): Create Organization Zones

It doesn’t hurt to have a plan when it comes to organizing, right Virgo? To keep your rooms in their best shape, it helps to have designated “zones” with a specific purpose. Determining what each room (and section of the room) is meant for, what can be stored there, and what needs to go can make a huge difference. If something in your home doesn’t fit into any of the zones? It’s worth reassessing whether you need it in the first place.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): Clean Out Your Closet(s)

Your closets can be an underrated area to help you keep things in order, but it can also become your biggest enabler to hide random objects from sight. It’s no secret that style and aesthetics are associated with your sign, Libra, so taking the opportunity to clean out your closet can be more of an asset than you expect. Getting rid of old clothes, clearing out unused items, and making better use of potential storage space are all great places to start.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): Try Customized Storage Options

Making the most of your storage options is an essential step to keeping organized. However, it can be challenging to determine the best storage for particular spaces or items—you enjoy the flexibility, but it doesn’t help if it ends up unused. You aren’t afraid of committing to something a little more fixed, Scorpio, so looking into customized storage features could suit you well. While you may not opt for more permanent features like built-in units (unless you’re pulling a total renovation), creating custom shelving or storage with compartments for specific purposes can still do wonders.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): Work With Unused Space

You’re known for your restlessness, Sagittarius, which can potentially make organization more difficult. While trying to keep things clean and organized can feel overwhelming at times, sometimes we can benefit from looking a little closer at the space we have and determining what isn’t being used to its fullest potential. Taking a closer look at your home and checking out whether there are certain areas that could be put to good use, such as an area where shelves could be installed, for example, can help make staying organized an easier task.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19): Purge Yourself of Impractical Items

Often when a recommendation of purging a space of unwanted items is given, it's in service of a payoff, such as making room for newer items. However, for a determined Earth sign like yourself, Capricorn, it's best to lean into your practical side. What isn’t working or serving your purposes? This isn’t about making room for new items or changing up your space—this is solely about removing what is holding you back or getting in your way (in the case of clutter, literally in your way).

Aquarius (January 20 to February 19): Look to Unconventional Methods

You have a creative mind, Aquarius, so why not put it to good use for organization? You aren’t one who loves to follow the rules, so get creative, even a little unusual, in terms of storage and managing tasks. Whether it’s repurposing items (think taking an over-the-door shoe organizer and using it for alternative storage for crafts or toiletries) or picking different times of day to get things in order. The important thing is finding what works for you.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): Be Intentional With Storage Solutions

If we’re honest, all of us are guilty of using storage options as a catch-all just to get things out of the way. Whether it’s a drawer, a corner, or even a room, we can habitually throw random items in the space and forget they exist. Your Pisces nature may incline you to lean more into that habit than others, so taking the time to be intentional about your storage (instead of shoving things in corners or under furniture) can not only be a better organization tactic but can relieve stress when you’re scrambling to find certain items.