How to Wash a Heated Blanket Without Damaging It

Folded heated electric blanket with controller on bed

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Project Overview
  • Working Time: 4 - 30 mins
  • Total Time: 2 - 6 hrs
  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • Estimated Cost: $0-10

A heated blanket can be a luxurious comfort when the weather is gloomy or you've just returned home after a long day, and it's no surprise so many people avoid washing their heated blanket for fear of damaging it. Fortunately, the process of washing your blanket, especially if it's a newer model, is far less daunting than you might have assumed. In fact, many heated blankets can be cleaned in a washing machine and dryer. Of course, these elevated throws do require a little extra time and attention than a simple load of sheets and towels.

Learn how to clean a heater blanket properly using one of the two methods below.

How Often to Wash a Heated Blanket

How often you should wash a heated blanket is dependent on how often you use your heated blanket or how long it has been sitting in storage. A good rule of thumb is to wash your blanket once every couple of weeks (up to a month, if possible).

Before You Begin

Before you move onto the steps below, defer to your blanket's care label or owner's manual first. Most heated blankets come with clear cleaning instructions, so you shouldn't have to wonder which method is best for your specific blanket. However, whether your blanket comes with instructions or not, never take it to a dry cleaner, laundromat, or other commercial cleaner. The solutions, settings, and equipment they use are often too harsh for heated blankets and could damage the wiring.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Washing machine
  • Dryer
  • Clothesline or drying rack
  • Toothbrush (optional for spot cleaning)


  • Mild laundry detergent


How to Wash a Heated Blanket by Hand

  1. Fill a Tub With Lukewarm Water

    Start by filling your bathtub (or an oversized bucket) with lukewarm water and some mild laundry detergent. Make sure there's enough water to swish your blanket around, so every fold can be cleaned.

  2. Unplug Your Blanket and Detach the Cord

    As your tub fills, unplug your heated blanket and detach the cord. Set the cord aside and take a moment to check for any frayed or exposed wires as well as rips and tears. If you notice any damages, stop the cleaning process. It's time to replace your blanket.

  3. Wash Your Heated Blanket

    Next, place the heated blanket in the water, making sure every surface is covered with water and soap. Swish the blanket around a bit until the water becomes sudsy, then leave the blanket to sit for 10 minutes.


    If your heated blanket has collected a couple of stains, you can start this step with a little spot cleaning. Add a mild detergent directly to the stain and use a toothbrush to scrub lightly. Allow the solution to sit for 20 minutes before washing the whole blanket in your tub.

  4. Rinse Thoroughly

    Next, empty the tub of soapy water and begin rinsing your blanket with fresh lukewarm water. You can refill the tub to rinse or use a spray attachment if you have one. Be careful not to scrub your blanket roughly, as this could damage the wiring.

  5. Squeeze Gently Then Dry

    Finally, empty the tub and gently squeeze the excess liquid out of your blanket. Again, be careful not to wring out the blanket. Finish by hanging your blanket over a clothesline or drying rack to air dry. Make sure the blanket is completely dry before you use it again.

How to Wash a Heated Blanket in a Washing Machine

How to Wash a Heated Blanket in a Washing Machine
Detergent Mild
Water Temperature  Cold or warm 
Cycle Type  Gentle or delicate 
Drying Cycle Type Air-dry or Low-heat
Drying  Partial machine and air dry 
  1. Unplug Blanket and Detach the Cord

    No matter which cleaning method you use, always make sure your blanket is unplugged and the cord is detached before washing.

  2. Put Blanket in Washing Machine

    Open up your heated blanket and gently place it in the washing machine (don't put a rolled or folded blanket in the machine, since this could prevent a thorough cleaning). Add your laundry detergent and set the wash cycle to gentle or delicate and the water temperature to cold or warm. Stop the cycle after just two to three minutes and skip to the rinse setting. If possible, select a low-speed spin setting.


    If your blanket is especially dirty, leave the blanket in your washer to soak for 15 minutes before moving onto the rinse cycle.

  3. Move Blanket to the Dryer Briefly

    Next, move your heated blanket to your dryer. Select an air-dry or low-heat setting, and dry your blanket just partially for about 20 minutes, before stopping the cycle and moving onto the final step.

  4. Finish With a Thorough Air Dry

    Your heated blanket should still be a little damp when you pull it from the dryer. Allow it to finish drying on a clothesline or drying rack. Make sure the blanket is completely dry before you plug it back in and use it again.

Tips for Washing Your Heated Blanket

  • Avoid using laundromats, dry cleaners, or commercial cleaners to clean your heated blanket.
  • Never iron your heated blanket, since doing so could damage the wiring.
  • If your blanket's care instructions allow for machine washing, alternate between hand washing and machine washing to help extend the product's lifespan.
  • Can you wash a heated blanket in the washing machine?

    Most new heated blankets can be cleaned in a washing machine, but you should always check the care label, owner's manual, or manufacturer's instructions first.

  • Can you put a heated blanket in the dryer?

    You can put a heated blanket in a dryer on an air-dry or low-heat setting, but you shouldn't leave it to dry completely. Instead, allow it to dry for 20 minutes in the dryer, then hang it on a clothesline or drying rack to air dry.