Invite Good Feng Shui Into Your Home With Quan Yin

Famous Guanyin statue in Hong Kong

eqsk134 / Getty Images

The imagery of the bodhisattva Quan Yin can be used as a feng shui adjustment, and it is best done with sincerity and honor. If the energy and symbolism of Quan Yin resonates with you, we invite you to explore these simple ways to add this lovely being to your home.

Who is Quan Yin?

Quan Yin (Kuan Yin or Guan Yin) is the bodhisattva of great compassion. A bodhisattva is a human being that has made a vow to dedicate all of their lifetimes to the enlightenment of all humankind. Bodhisattvas continue to reincarnate and return to the world to help guide others to enlightenment. 

Quan Yin is a gender-fluid symbol, as she is the feminine version of the masculine Avalokiteshvara (Chenezig in Tibetan). She has many different incarnations and is often portrayed seated or standing holding a lotus flower or a vase of water. One of the most popular beings in Buddhist iconography, Quan Yin is a figure of mercy and compassion who helps those in need.

Avalokiteshvara is the Bodhisattva of Compassion. In his 4-armed manifestation, he holds the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel between his palms as he meditates on liberation for all beings. In his female form, he is Tara or Kwan Yin.

Debbie Hemenway / Getty Images

Feng Shui Placements

The imagery of Quan Yin is used in many different Buddhist cultures and practices. Some schools of feng shui also use Quan Yin as a feng shui adjustment.  If you resonate with Quan Yin, select a statue or image of her that appeals to you. Be mindful to invoke Quan Yin to support you with the utmost respect and appreciation.

You can use the image of Quan Yin to enhance areas of the bagua, the feng shui energy map. Understanding the nuances of the bagua through Quan Yin is a great way to learn and appreciate the subtleties in the practice of feng shui. Like each area of the bagua map, Quan Yin has many meanings and layers of symbolism. You can use the iconography of this beautiful celestial being to strengthen an intention you have, and connect it with a specific area of the bagua. Try to choose only one bagua area to place your Quan Yin to start—less is more when setting intentions and using the feng shui.

Quan Yin in Zhen (Family area)

The family area is about starting or creating something new, and also about family and loved ones. The compassionate Quan Yin would be well placed in the family area. You can set an intention with a focus on your family or to give yourself an extra push with a new initiative that you want to start up.

Quan Yin in Xun (Wealth area)

The wealth area is not only about cash and finances, but it connects more broadly with abundance. Add an image or small statue of Quan Yin here to shift your mindset about wealth and money. Be grateful for the blessings you have in your life.

Quan Yin Statue in white

Kilito Chan

Quan Yin and Li (Reputation area)

The reputation and fame area is about putting yourself out there and being seen. Let Quan Yin inspire you to show up in the world with compassion and grace. Set the intention to get out into the world, do good deeds, help others, and connect with your community.

Quan Yin in Kun (Partnership area)

The area of partnership is also connected to feminine energy and the mother. This is the most popular area of the bagua to add Quan Yin. She is a mother to everyone, recognizing our struggles and helping those in need. You can also place her in Kun area and set an intention around self-love and being more receptive to nurturing yourself.

Quan Yin in Dui (Children area)

Quan Yin is a protector and a celestial mother to all. You can use her image or likeness in the children area of your home or bedroom. If you do, set an intention for protection and joy for your children or future children.

Quan Yin in Qian (Helpful People area)

As a celestial being and bodhisattva, Quan Yin is seen by many as a guardian angel-like figure. Qian position is connected to finding helpful people in your life and having serendipitous, fortunate outcomes. Place an image or statue of Quan Yin in this area of your home and set an intention around connecting to positive energy and helpful people.

Bodkhisattva Avalokiteshvara. Arms in position Dkharmachakra mudra

Dymov / Getty Images

Quan Yin in Kan (Career area)

Kan is the area of the bagua connected to finding your path and purpose. Quan Yin can inspire you when you are thinking of shifting your career to a more heart-centered endeavor. You can add her likeness to this area, and set an intention around finding a compassionate calling where you are helping others. 

Quan Yin in Gen (Knowledge area)

The knowledge area of the bagua is connected to developing skills, learning, and spiritual pursuits. Place Quan Yin in this bagua area, using her presence to help you to cultivate loving kindness and compassion.

Quan Yin in the Tai Qi (Health area)

The Tai Qi is about well-being and unity. The center of the home is connected to all the areas of your life. Place an image or statue of Quan Yin in the center of your home to bring blessings to the entire home.